
Tainan City(臺南市) -Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區)’sTwo-Star Around Moon Plan

Execution Schedule:2018.2.23~2020

In Xinying District(新營區) and the Xibei area(溪北區), Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區) are second-tier towns that are facing a critical moment when the population growth rate is rapidly turning negative. Therefore, this plan hopes to implement balanced development between urban and rural areas by integrating resources via the Heart of Town Project, attracting residents to migrate to non-metropolitan areas, forming a stylish town, and providing opportunities for revitalization.

This plan aims to expand the preliminary results of the existing construction of Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區) of Tainan City(臺南市), through the connection of Two-Star (forming the water and green corridor of Xinying District(新營區)/Yanshuei District(鹽水區) Around Moon (connecting the cultural path of Yuejin(月津) Harbor) to establish the diversified charm of Yanshuei District(鹽水區) as a cultural town and Xinying District (新營區) as an artistic landscape, highlighting the romantic feeling of "Yuejin(月津) Harbor" day and night and shaping the local urban culture brand.

Plan background diagram
Planning idea drawing

The plan of Xinying District(新營區) is to continuously integrate the characteristics of the surrounding districts and strengthen the spatial connection of the core area, and Yanshuei District(鹽水區) is positioned as the core of industry and tourism development. Five classic tourism routes and activity theme plans in the future are proposed in the hopes that the software and hardware can be combined to enable local sustainable operations and marketing in order to activate the economy, attract outsiders to live or travel in Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區), and continue to activate and clear the land and idle buildings in the Sugar Refinery area. The environmental resource inventory includes 19 elementary and secondary schools, three drainage systems, one charming river corridor (Jishui River)(急水溪), two sugar refineries, two towns, and two special scenic spots (Yuejin (月津)Harbor and Swan Lake). The 2020 main axis plan aimed to transform Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區) into the cultural town tourism belt as the leader of Xibei(溪北). Xinying District(新營區) invests a total of 126 million, focusing on the construction of the railway view park, connection of the sugar-railway bicycle path, and improvement of the pedestrian environment, cultural center environment, and pedestrian spaces along Chianan Irrigation Canal. Meanwhile, Yanshuei District(鹽水區) invests 249 million, focusing on the construction of the waterfront human-oriented environment along Yuejin(月津) Harbor, Yuejin(月津) Harbor lantern festival exhibition area foundation facilities, Yanshuei District(鹽水區) Station, and the surrounding environment improvements.

Xinying District(新營區) (Xibei area) (溪北地區) is a priority demonstration area for Tainan City Government to actively promote the improvement of balanced urban and rural development in southern Taiwan and has been entrusted with the task of improving the imbalance between urban and rural development in the Xinan/Xibei area of Tainan City. In terms of the development of Xinying District(新營區) /Yanshuei District(鹽水區), the regional consumer tourism attraction center and the must-visit tourism axis belt will be integrated to gradually expand and extend the adjacent sightseeing spots/streets to become a fully functional cultural town with local characteristics (visitors staying). Xinying District(新營區) - core town continues to upgrade, Yanshuei District(鹽水區) - tourism momentum extends around, connecting with major construction plans.

Xinying District(新營區) Railway Landscape Park Phase II Project:

With the existing sugar-railway track in the park, the square pavement type design embeds the industrial history texture into the contemporary landform, blending the past and present. The design includes flexible use of existing tree distribution to create a natural shading space for walking and cycling.

Before construction
After construction
Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區) Sugar-Railway Bicycle Trail Connection Plan:

The rails and ties on the original railway were maintained to inherit the historical culture of sugar and railway. The unconstructed section (1.2km long) will be connected to the landscape Phase I to the school accessing and commuting bicycle trail system in Xinying District(新營區) and Yanshuei District(鹽水區).

Before construction
After construction
Rural Green Corridor Project and Chianan(嘉南)Irrigation Canal Green Corridor Construction/ Sec. 2 of Xinjin Road(新進路) to Lane 7, Alley 53 of Taizi Road(太子路):

The waterfront footpath pavement of Chianan(嘉南) Irrigation Canal creates visual extension with the line design.

Before construction
After construction
Yuejin(月津) Harbor Public 18-3 and Public 18-5 Waterfront Footpath Project:

Yuejin(月津) Harbor Public 18 waterfront footpath adds ripple painting and the local image of Yanshuei District(鹽水區) on the nodes to create a distinctive waterfront scene.

Before construction
After construction
Yuejin(月津) Harbor Lantern Festival Exhibition Area Facilities Improvement Project:

Ecological reconstruction of the waterfront slope is to become the Yuejin(月津) Harbor Lantern Festival Exhibition Area. The existing damaged wooden trestle is changed to wood grain brick, which retains the wood texture while increasing weather resistance.

Before construction
After construction
Yuejin(月津) Harbor aqueduct bridge reconstruction and public 18 toilet construction project:

The bridge highlights the visual relationship between the pedestrian space and the canal, and its subsequent lighting effect will be like that of a slender lantern. The embankment platform is connected with the water and aqueduct bridge, as well as the circular footpath of Yuejin(月津) Harbor.

Before construction
After construction
Xinying(新營) Art Park "Zhongzheng Road - south bank of Datong Road" and "Datong Road - south and north bank of Minzhi East Road(民治東路)" water landscape renovation project:

On both sides of the canal, trees, shrubs, and ground cover plants are planted to protect the slope, and stacked stone blocks are used at the edge to create a natural water and green scene. The waterway footpath is made up of jumping-color rolling stones to create visual extension, and muted colors are used to contrast the trees and water on both sides.

Before construction
After construction
Canal landscape renovationproject
Rural green corridor plan and Chianan Irrigation Cana green corridor